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Century House Association

Century House Association, New West, B.C.

Century House Association, New Westminster, B.C.

March 2024 Clarion



The March newsletter is here (and see below), including:

Last Reviewed on 2024-02-23

1 thought on “March 2024 Clarion”

  1. Violet Richtsfeld

    Hi to the person/s who organize the Centre House senior programs:
    I am just wondering if it’s all possible to offer classes to seniors who are using walkers or have balance issues. I don’t mean like a “sit and be fit” very slow and boring classes, I meant a bit up beat and more fun (using good old 60’s, 70’s 80’s music). Although this minor group of people are a bit “slow” per say but they can still do a lot with their upper bodies; like to stay in shape the best they can and have some FUN.
    I am a certified fitness instructor in the Interior region and I happened to know a few ladies who live around your area and would like to join some educational and fun classes. I thought I would voice on their behalf and hopefully they can find some classes they can enjoy in the future. Thank you for listening to my concern.

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