The Century House Association is funded as follows:
The CHA charges a nominal annual membership fee to cover on-going expenses like publishing The Clarion. more on memberships
Activity fees
An Activity Group may also collect a fee from its members to offset costs. That fee is set by the members of the group. Any unused funds from these fees are remitted to the CHA.
The CHA regularly applies for grants such as New Horizon for Seniors. A recent grant allowed us to refurnish the common area of Century House.
Some CHA activities require grants to ensure that costs are not prohibitive to member participation. The Peer Counselling Program and Dragon Boating are examples. Grants are arranged through the Association.
The Association does two big fund-raising events each year, a Summer Bazaar and a Winter Craft Sale. All proceeds go directly to the Association. Additional events are held to directly benefit the CHA Bursary Program.
Century House Association, a registered charitable organization, supports the many activity groups, services and extras that enhance participation for members. The Century House Association relies on donations to provide our services to seniors.
Last Reviewed on 2023-11-22